I Almost Gave Up!

I Almost Gave Up!

I genuinely want all my business-minded friends and followers to see and experience this.

I remember it like it was yesterday when I first got excited about becoming an internet entrepreneur…

The idea of being an “entrepreneur”, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, the lifestyle I was seeing from others, the income potential was fascinating to me.

I was young with no resources, no experience, no knowledge, no contacts, and no mentors…

But you know how sometimes when you have a burning desire to do something, you always seem to find a way?

Well, that was me back then.

Being very new and naive I wasted money buying “here’s the #1 secret to success” type products from different ”gurus” …

I worked hard and gave it my all. This was my ticket to success (so I thought).

After all that hard work and investments I failed miserably. It felt like I got hit with a bag of bricks.

My heart sank…

I got disappointed and frustrated…

I questioned myself a lot…

I almost gave up on my dream…

But the small quiet voice inside of me kept telling me that I could figure it out somehow.

If somebody else could do it, I could surely find a way, too!

So I decided to stay and give it one more shot.

Call it luck or whatever, (I call it a blessing) – I found somebody who was doing what I wanted to do and I listened to his teaching as if my life depended on it (which it kind of did.. ).

I remember staying up all through the night on multiple occasions learning, building, applying…

Hours didn’t matter, I was hungry.

And then I remember, having my first ever breakthrough!


My friend, if you’re trying to build your dream right now and you’re anything like I was, my message for you is simple – please do not give up.

I’m so glad I didn’t throw in the towel when all logic and common sense screamed: “give up!”

Sometimes one sound idea is all you need to change everything.

My one idea was simple – do the polar opposite of what everybody else in your marketplace is doing. Take charge and build YOU. Do so by doing certain things in a certain way.

That’s it.

That one idea and advice changed my life forever.

Look, I want to encourage you.

Keep on keeping on.

Today I teach anybody who’s willing to listen – DON’T DO WHAT EVERYBODY IN YOUR SPACE IS DOING!

If you’re reading this and you’re anything like I was in the beginning – I sincerely invite

you to check out The FourPercent Challenge.

I don’t want to sell you on it or whatever. I’m just saying – if you’re struggling and want somebody to take you by the hand and show you what to do, how to do it, when, and why…

Without confusion, frustration, overwhelm…

Check this out and experience this for yourself:

If I can help you in any way – this is it.

Hope this (quite long) story inspires you to move forward and perhaps give it one more shot.

I’m telling you – the only way to fail in anything is to give up.

Don’t give up.

You got this. You can do it.
