Who is Omar Thomas?

Take A Short Journey Into My Life!

Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For
And The Evidence Of Things Not Seen

All Things Are Possible.

I'm a husband, father of four (1 boy and 3 girls), and an internet entrepreneur.

In 2002 I followed a dream of becoming an entrepreneur to create a lifestyle my family truly deserves. Having zero experience or direction I blindly jumped into the Stock Market and quickly lost over $40,000 within 6 months. At this point I was at an all time low.

Fortunately I did not give up on my dream as an entrepreneur. Years later I found a mentor who taught me all about internet marketing. I wasn't anybody special but I was smart enough to apply what I was learning.

Since then, by doing certain things in a certain way, I was able to raise myself from failure and started creating a lifestyle through internet marketing that we could only dream about.

For the last 14 years my mentor have been showing people how to create real and lasting breakthrough in their business, marketing, and life.

My mentor has created many best selling business programs including Internet Traffic Mastery, The FourPercent Challenge and many others that are responsible for creating thousands of success stories across 180 different countries.

I love what I do and I love helping others succeed! It's the ultimate reward.

If you're sick and tired of hype, information overload, lack of results, and want to create the good life you want without overwhelm - check out The FourPercent Challenge. No exaggeration- this could really change your life.

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Finally Spreading My Wings

As a young adult, I finally got to test the waters on my own terms. I was taught at a young age that the most valuable lessons usually cost the most. Big risk big reward, little risk little reward was the model I foolishly lived by until I learned an expensive lesson. Early in my journey I decided to play the stock market. I was a day trader and also traded options. My mindset was to swing for the stars with no true plan of action. Needless to say I blew through over forty thousand dollars before I came to my senses. I eventually learned the skill set to be successful in the stock market arena but I realized this was not my calling. The thrill of the market was more addicting than gambling. Playing the stock market had my emotions on a roller coaster ride. The 2008 housing crash confirmed my hunch that it was time to look elsewhere to generate wealth.
Small Bump In The Road
Towards the end of 2008 I still did not have a solid plan. I got bored and turned to gambling. Black Jack was the new adrenaline that replaced the thrill I experienced while playing the stock market. Like my mom always told me ``The Most Valuable Lessons Usually Cost You the Most.`` This was an expensive lesson that I had to learn from and never repeat again. I eventually stopped gambling and got back on track to success. I started reading books to help shape my perspective on goal setting. I took a good look in the mirror and found out what it was that I really wanted. I wanted to help others become successful in all aspects of life and prevent them from making some of the same mistakes that I made. I came across a great mentor and learned valuable insights about online marketing. This mentor helped me strengthen my foundation as an entrepreneur which took me to higher levels of success. Now I am on a journey to help others become successful.

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